
My Observations on Daily Life

It’s all relative… A week of regaining perspective

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I often feel that life gives us perspective and gratitude by the people it places in our journey. It’s happened for me during the highs, the normal and the lows too.

My last post was all about a challenging mommy week that I had just completed.  Not a week after I wrote that post, I met up with a former co-worker of mine, and learned that she was dealing with a pretty major health challenge.  She’s younger than me, so to see and hear the effects that this disease was having on her, really affected me.  What also impacted me was the grace and courage with which she was facing her illness.  Spending that hour or so with her inspired me… and was a great reminder to me that the week that I thought was so bad wasn’t so terrible after all. It was a temporary blip in time.

Five days later (last Monday) I was flying back to Chicago and learned that a high school friend of mine lost her dad to cancer.  He was diagnosed roughly 40 days earlier and was only 69 years old.  Again I was touched by the perseverance of her and her family – and the strength that carried them through the week that followed.  I couldn’t be there in person with them, but they remained in my thoughts last week, and continue to do so.

What struck me about both pieces of news is how fleeting health and life can be.  I have been blessed with my own health, a thriving daughter as well as two parents that are young in heart, mind and body.  When I think of my daughter and her future, I hope that she has many years of memories with me and my parents… but I also know nothing is guaranteed, which is why I hope to share as many hugs, kisses, giggles, tickles and playful moments with her.

What I was also reminded of was the importance of staying connected and tuned in to what is going on in my friends and family’s lives.  The first friend I mentioned, we had not gotten together since the summer.  Why? Life got in the way, I think.  My new goal is monthly gatherings with groups of friends (brunch, movies, manicures, whatever) and phone calls/emails in between.  I know that since becoming a mom, I haven’t invested enough time in friendships, and I’d like to find the time to connect more often with both old friends and new.

A deeper post for me… but this is where my mind is.  Any tips to share on staying connected and keeping perspective? I am always open to hearing tips from the “more socially savvy.”

Until next time…

Written by lifebeginsat39

January 27, 2014 at 5:10 am

2 Responses

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  1. I think all mommies can relate to your goal of finding time to do what you want. It is so hard when the kids are little because you feel like every moment you aren’t with them, you’re depriving them of you (and you of them, particularly if you work and sacrifice that “mommy” time to be the breadwinner). That’s why so many of us struggle to get back to the gym, back to our friends, back to those “other” parts of life that seem so easy to put off once you have kids. The bad news is that guilt can stay with you a while (I know it did for me). Then, little by little, you see your little ones getting more independent, and that they need to learn to spend time with others, and that even mommies are entitled to some time to be daughters, wives, sisters, aunts, cousins, and friends. Wishing you an easy 2014 that allows you some time to just be Andrea, in whatever form that is. xoxoxo from Philly (but Jersey forever in our hearts)


    Maria P.

    January 27, 2014 at 5:19 am

    • Thanks Maria! A lot of food for thought. The guilt and struggle you describe is spot on. I’ve found some solutions for getting back to gym (mainly on weekends) but finding the time to invest in friendships is my next gap that I need to creatively solve for. Welcome any tips you can provide – as you have had more years of practice at being “super mom” and seem to have struck a good balance between being a great mom and spouse, yet still invest in “Maria.” Thanks again for taking the time to comment. Means a lot!



      January 27, 2014 at 4:28 pm

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