
My Observations on Daily Life

Archive for the ‘Toddler Moments’ Category

The case of the misplaced iPhone

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Screenshot 2014-09-01 07.12.33We’ve all experienced it …. a misplaced mobile phone somewhere in your home that you can’t seem to locate. Add in a toddler who is battling bedtime and the fact that the phone charger is off and on vibrate — and it’s a fun situation. That was my household last night.

To help locate it, I enlisted the virtual help of my parents (via Facetime on another apple device) and they began calling my iPhone.  My daughter and I went from room to room trying to figure out if we heard vibrating.  I was convinced it was in my bedroom (last place I remember using it) so we finally focused our efforts there.

Here was some of the dialogue as the search began heating up:


My Mom: “Okay, the phone is ringing”

Little A: “Phone ringing mommy”

Me: “I think I hear vibrating. Can you?” (to my daughter)

Little A: “Yeah”

Me: “I still can’t figure out where it’s coming from. Can you?”

Little A: “I don’t know…”

Now I look in closet, on top of and behind furniture (Little A doing it along side of me too) all the while hearing this low buzzing that I can’t exactly place. … Finally I get down on the floor to look… and that’s when I spot it.

Me: “I found it!”

Little A: “Yay, mommy found it!” (Squealing, clapping and smiling)

Laughter was coming from my parents as they witnessed this whole exchange between the two of us. My little detective and I had tackled the case, and I must admit it was a lot more fun with my toddler’s commentary and support.  I now comment how she is this little person – with lots of personality, cheer and funny observations. I truly wish I could freeze time and linger in this stage much longer … but I know great milestones and chapters still lay ahead of us.

Until our next funny moment…

Written by lifebeginsat39

September 1, 2014 at 12:32 pm

My toddler is learning context (and how entertaining it is!)

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So it seems I needed to take the summer off. An unintended break – but honestly I can’t believe I haven’t written in many months.

It’s been a great summer.  Not one where I have a list of destinations to share, but one in which I was able to share some real quality time with my growing toddler.  Life was the everyday ho-hum… my daughter going to daycare, and mommy going to work.  But it was this summer that my daughter’s vocabulary exploded and her ability to begin to understand context has started.

Now at the end of August she now understands:


1) Mom goes to work when she goes to school.

2) She feels sad sometimes when mommy is away from her – and misses mommy. (This mom’s heart breaks when she shares this).

3) The order in which mommy’s and daddy’s arrive for pickup – and grows anxious when mommy is running late

When Out and About:

4) She’s “two” and informs everyone who will listen of this fact.

Has a knack of spotting these three from a distance and grows excited:

5) Ice cream or frozen yogurt store … and always attempts to convince mommy to stop.

6) Playground or park … “playground, mommy?”

7) CTA bus (funny but true)… And if we are boarding we also say hello to bus driver (most days we get a hello & smile back!)

At Home:

8) Hugs and kisses are pretty great (Mommy really likes these and … giving them can sometimes delay nap or bedtime)

9) Mommy gets boo-boos too — and kissing them (fake kiss) can make mommy feel better too.

10) When a babysitter arrives at the door, mommy is going out (Oh no, start the tears!)


The list goes on and on … but those are the major ones that usually bring a smile to my face – or break my heart a little.  Really loving this stage (and very scared of the 3’s which I’ve heard referred to as the “Threenagers”).  Will try to write a more comprehensive reflection on the summer soon … Until then!

Written by lifebeginsat39

August 24, 2014 at 1:29 pm

Now we’re talking (and walking!)

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I’m amazed at the speed of learning at age eighteen months.  In the past few weeks I’ve noticed my daughter’s ability to communicate greatly expand — and yes, I watched her take her first steps (day 1 occurred at daycare but her caring teachers caught it on video for me… thank goodness for smartphones).  And while her walking skills are still pretty shaky, her ability to listen, understand and communicate simply amaze me.

To help illustrate her mastery of words, I created Alexa’s own word cloud. Roughly 15 spoken words in total — and many more that she understands when asked questions.  With her love of books I expect her vocabulary to continue to explode.  For those parents out there, did you toddler’s first words look something like this?


Written by lifebeginsat39

October 10, 2013 at 3:28 am